Mary Cafmeyer

Mary Cafmeyer

Mary has lived in this community since 2000. Mary and her family began using the library for the programs it offered, especially story time for her kids (then ages 5 and 1 ½), summer reading programs, summer concert series, and drive-in movies, just to name a few. Both of Mary's sons, now 29 and 25, were both summer volunteers at Cromaine. Mary was appointed to the Cromaine Library Board of Trustees to fill a vacancy in 2010, and was re-elected in 2012, 2016, and 2020, serving as Board Secretary for most of her time on the board, as well as a member and chair of multiple committees. Mary says, "Cromaine has so much to offer the community, from babies to senior citizens. If the Library doesn't have something you’re looking for, they will get it for you. From books and magazines to CDs and DVDs. And for those who prefer digital formats, you can get books sent directly to your Kindle, Nook, iPhone, etc. What’s not to like? Cromaine is truly a gem of our community. The people (staff, other trustees, and patrons) are all wonderful and welcoming."

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Comm. Relations & Strategic Planning, Chair Personnel