Happy Braille Literacy Month! The month of January is a special time to learn about and celebrate braille, which promotes equality in education and communication, and positively impacts millions of lives! Stop by the first floor display case anytime this month to grab a few braille activities and test your skills-- and be sure to explore the resources available through your Library that can help those who have trouble reading standard print.
Our neighbors with vision impairments don't have to miss out on the magic of their local Library-- many Michigan Libraries, including Cromaine, can help you access resources from the Braille and Talking Book Library. This service lends audio and braille books to Michigan residents who are unable to read standard print materials due to visual, physical, or other reading disabilities, completely free of charge. Thousands of books are available to borrow, and can be accessed with cartridges that are physically mailed to you, or through an app accessed on an Android or IOS smart device. Over 135,000 items are currently available, and new materials are added to the collection regularly! Explore the current collection, which features audio and braille formatted books, picture books, magazines, described DVDs, and more, here.
Two types of physical players are available. The first is a talking book machine that plays audio cartridges, and the second is a refresh-able braille display. Items can also be downloaded from the BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download) online site by registered users. Physical cartridges are delivered to the user’s mailbox, and returned to the library the same way—just remove and flip the address card! There are no postage costs, as this is a taxpayer supported system.
Materials are available for adults, young adults, and children from a preschool level to enjoy. Users can either request specific books by contacting the library directly, or receive books picked by librarians based on the user's preferences.
If this sounds like a service that could be helpful to you or someone you know, explore the Braille and Talking Book Library application here! You can also peruse the FAQ page and chat with a Cromaine Librarian for more details!
In celebration of Braille Literacy Month, please consider spreading the word about the many resources available to those unable to enjoy standard print. Braille and audio books are a fantastic tool to keep our community connected and learning, regardless of visual ability. Happy Braille Literacy Month and happy reading, whichever format you enjoy!

The Braille and Talking Book Library Service
Learn more about the Braille and Talking Book Library Service by visiting their website! Explore the many opportunities they offer, request reading equipment, search for BTBL Network Libraries, and more.
Your Cromaine Librarians are always happy to answer any additional questions you have about the Braille and Talking Book Library. Visit the Reference desk anytime for extra help and tips!