Dixon's Violin live in Hartland / Hartland Music Hall

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Offered at, but not by, Cromaine District Library. The Library does not sponsor or endorse this event.

Purpose of Meeting

You've never heard violin like this! The world's premier visionary violinist, Dixon's life mission is to inspire people - and he has done so at over 1,000 concerts across North America, including giving four TED talks/performances, over ten years at Burning Man and Electric Forest, plus radio, TV, and film appearances. A former technology leader and symphony violinist, Dixon walked away from a distinguished career to follow his dream full-time, and invented a whole new music genre. Dixon now improvises on a 5-string electric violin with a looping system he developed to create an all-live one-man symphony, guided by his remarkable personal story of life transformation.

Tickets only $29 available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1234016930859
Tickets $35 at the door if still available
All ages welcome! Children 12 and under are $5.
This is an indoor, seated show.

Doors at 6:30 pm, concert begins at 7:00 pm.